This is the first time I’ve written in white ink on kraft paper. I tried about 4 different brands of white ink, each less opaque than the last. The one I settled on is extremely opaque, almost too thick that it gooped in some spots. But I bent it to my will.

The envelopes will house save-the-date invites that stationer Sarah Parrott will be creating. The couple is having their wedding this fall on a tiny island off North Carolina (I want to be there!!).





This is the first time I’ve calligraphed Icelandic characters. I met with the groom, who is from Iceland, to go over how to write some of the glyphs, such as Eth’s and Thorn’s. I learned that all Icelanders surnames are literally “Son of Jon” or “Daughter of Jon” – son or daughter of the father’s given name – and that is how lineage is traced. It is very Lord of the Rings! More than a quarter of the guests will be coming from Iceland. It’s only like a 5 hour flight from Boston…hmmm…

Their wedding is this fall in the bride’s hometown of Philadelphia. To go with the fall theme and the colors they chose for the invites, I used an ink color in “burnt sienna.”




Why is everything having to do with Iceland SO BEAUTIFUL?!

Wonderful work, Li!

You calligraphy is getting better and better – very professionally done!
Great work, Li!

Lovely work! The Icelandic names turned out beautifully, and the white ink is stunning. What type do you use to get such crisp opacity?

this is awesome calligraphy – beautiful!

Oooh burnt sienna. How very Bob Ross of you. Now I’m picturing you speaking in a soft voice describing how to to write out all the happy little letters.

haha, love Abby’s comment. I LOVE how the kraft + white ink came out. So beautiful. Your calligraphy keeps getting better and better! Happy the white ink worked too! :)

These are so so so pretty!! I wish I needed calligraphy because I would totally hire you for a job!