I had the great fun privilege of second shooting for my friend Lisa Rigby at this amazing Newport mansion wedding. Rosecliff has a special place in my heart for kind of teenagery reasons…like it was the first mansion I ever visited during one of the best summers of my life, how’s that! I was on a road trip from my hometown Atlanta to Quebec with my then-bf and we stopped in Providence to visit with my college roomies who were staying for the summer. It was May and it was warm, which now I know is a complete anomaly for New England. We took a day trip to Newport and our first stop was Rosecliff. There are photos of us on the steps beneath that pink and white canopy, us on the vast back lawn with the ocean glittering behind us, a ticket stub I saved of the tour, and wow nearly 20 years later (*sob sob sob*) I am back here, a completely different person…but still taking photos.
As per usual I started with the guys while Lisa was with the ladies.